Week 12: The Grey Horde

 The Grey Horde

Hello, Everyone!

    Last week, I let everyone take a look at my pile of shame. Those boxes were quite daunting to look at, but I do not feel they accurately convey the emotion of "hobby shame" to those who are uninitiated with Wargaming. This week, perhaps, I will be able to more accurately convey that message. Behold: my entire collection of assembled miniatures.

    The grey horde of plastic you see here is my complete collection. Every single model I have ever purchased and built, or perhaps even used on the tabletop. You might have possibly noticed that the vast majority of them are a shade of dark grey. All those grey Minis are the ones I promised myself to paint this year. You can see how that's going for me.
    The small group of black and white on the right was a side project I began early this year, a brand new army for myself. This was added on top of my already bloated workload. I should not be trusted with decision-making of any kind.
    What was nice about getting out all these minis, however, was being able to find the first one I ever painted (the one with the sword). I'm very proud of the progress I have made, even if I clearly have a long way to go. 


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