Week 8/9: White Panels and Black Coats
White Panels and Black Coats
Hello, Everyone!
Over spring break, I managed to get a few more models completed. In my eagerness to finish more models, I seemed to have forgotten to post an update about it. That's my story, I'm sticking too it, and you can't prove it was otherwise. That said, I did have a few model highlights I wanted to talk about. Starting off, I finished painting the largest model I have ever painted, the Sentinel Walker.
I am fairly happy with how the model turned out. Painting such a large and complex model was definitely a new experience, and I made a few mistakes along the way. Correcting mistakes on these models can be a quite the undertaking, especially when one of the primary colors you are using is White. Fixing dark colored strokes on is an exhausting process, and using Black next to white panels will not be a repeat performance.
Speaking of Black paint, another interesting model from Spring Break I completed was one not included in the kit, but one I picked up from a game store as a quick break. This model is was the Commissar, a sort of officer unit for my Army.
The Commissar was a nice change of pace from painting everything White and Blue, as this type of officer wears a distinctive Black Uniform in the game lore to separate himself from the troops. This model was a nice break, but from this point onward, there is not much distinctiveness left in the painting process. I'll be crawling through around 15 models over the next few weeks, and hopefully refining the process so I don't lose my mind halfway through.
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